Friday, January 31, 2014

Come Here, 2014

As January comes to an end, most of us have already forgotten and given up on our resolutions. As for me.. I generally don't make resolutions. Last year I tried, though! I proclaimed 2013 as the year of "YES". I feel I sincerely tried to do so. However, things definitely got in the way of that. 2013 was probably the worst year I have ever experienced. The reasons are not important. Just know that it was.

I try to take on too much at once. That's my issue. I find it hard narrowing my wants or needs down to one or two *little* things.. so I end up saying "I WANT ALL OF IT! NOW!" Setting one BIG goal for the year is ok (for some), but realistically you should set mini goals that you know are ' reachable'. To say, "In 2014, I want to make a million dollars" is not a realistic goal & you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

Now, I'm absolutely no expert, but by reading random articles & gathering information recently, I've come to understand... By setting mini goals for each month or each day even, helps you to focus on what's important & stay positive. It could be something so simple as scheduling an overdue doctor's appointment, paying a bill, or getting together with a friend. Sounds silly, I know. But at the end of the day, when you're about to lay your head on that pillow.. you realize that you've accomplished things! Things that needed to get done. The result? - Feeling good. Feeling like you can check something off your really long to-do list. Now you can move on to the next thing.

What I have to work on: stop focusing on the past & the future. It's easy for me to get all caught up in the past. Not being able to let things go or truly & completely forgive people. But- the past is just that.. The past. If I focus too much on that, it'll be impossible to move forward. As for the future, I have a habit of feeling like if things are bad now, because they have been for awhile, let's say, it's hard for me to believe things will eventually get better.. in the future. It's all about mindset. And I've always been in a negative one. Time to change & be in the present.

As 2014 began, I told myself this is the year of self-care. Eating healthy (even tiny people like me!), staying active (repeat previous parentheses.. also having a 2 year old helps that situation), getting back into the regular flow of seeing doctors.. Really putting a little more focus on myself. It's not going to be entirely easy. Ever since I became a momma back in 2011, I turned into this completely selfless person. Always putting the needs of my son first (of course). Hell, I haven't even gotten my hair cut/trimmed since May of 2012. WHAT. And truthfully, I'm not ashamed. My son is healthy & well taken care of. I won't feel guilty & apologize for that.

So to start, I've already got some goals completed & it's only January 31st! I've literally made every doctor appointment imaginable. Primary Care doctor, eye doctor, ob/gyn, cardiologist.. & coming up this summer.. my first mammogram!! YES! (so kidding) But being active & preventative with your health is what's important! Also, I've been super into yoga. I do it every day & my son does it right along side, underneath or on top of me. Makes it more of a challenge. In a good way! I really feel that yoga helps with so many things. I've read a ton of stuff lately how yoga can help with anxiety & depression. I believe it. Yoga is a great way to de-stress & relax. I recommend to all!

Overall I'd say I'm on the right path!
What are some things you'd like to work on this year?

xo, Tracy