Now that the 2010 is coming to a close, it's time to start thinking about the New Year and things to come!

Here's Mr. Larish & I at Christmas.
I've got some major plans & goals for 2011! I cannot wait to get started! I have just a few more custom bag orders to finish up & then I'll be ready to go!
*Just a reminder: If you are interested in an original custom made tracy larish bag, I'm taking those orders until January 15, 2011. So please visit my Etsy Shop for inquires! Also, I'll only be taking orders via Etsy.*
Here are a few goals of mine & things coming to tracy larish to look forward to in the coming year:
January (in just 1 more day! wow!) I'll be starting Project Restyle! This encourages everyone to bring life to unwanted, damaged or unusable vintage or previously used items to "ReStyle" and make it into something you'll love! It can be anything; shoes, clothing, accessories, home decor..etc. I'm really excited about this, because it will also be affordable (because you'll already have these things) and a really great way to become green! Each week you work on a project you would like to create, post it on your blog & post it on the, free to join, Flickr Group! This lasts 52 weeks! Project Restyle is the perfect way to bring in the New Year and start new and fresh! Anyone can join and you'll have fun in the process!
January/February I'll be finishing up my Spring Bag Collection to be on sale in my shop in late March. (Fingers crossed!)
Spring 2011 The designing process will commence for my new baby line of diaper bags and other super cute things, all for momma and baby! More details of this to come.
Summer 2011 Expand my studio/space. This is more of a personal goal. Mr. Larish & I live in a teeny, tiny apartment and I've been sprawling out my bags, fabrics and tools all over our living room. It's a pain to take everything out, put it all away and begin that process all over again when I'm in the mood to create! Therefore, we're looking for our first house! Really, we're starting to look now, but we hope to at least find one by summer/fall of 2011.
Summer/Fall 2011 I truly hope I can make it to some Festivals & Events in 2011. It would be an awesome way to really get out there! Who knows, maybe my sister will join me with her jewlery! ;)
Currently, I'm in the need of a second sewing machine. Bro needs a friend! It will also be so helpful to get a heavy duty machine so I can finally start to expand my designs and really begin to create a REAL collection that I know I'll adore! Can't wait!
So that's just half the year! I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew! :) I have full confidence I will make everything happen and it all begins... This weekend!
I wish everyone a very Happy and safe New Year!
xo TL