Thursday, February 28, 2013

::mac&aris giveaway::

Hi there! Welcome to mac&aris' very first giveaway! What better way to welcome March (& soon to be spring) than with a lovely little giveaway!?
For this giveaway, one (1) lucky winner will receive either a mac&aris 'Poet Tote' OR 'Yoga Mat Bag'*** of their choice! Want to hear something even better? - YOU pick the fabric/colors! This INCLUDES the *new* Spring fabric I ordered:

***Please note: Bags pictured above are not available for this giveaway.***
Please read details carefully:
The Pote Tote Bag Details:
Main Bag: 11.5"L x 17.5"W
Straps (2): 19"L x 1"W
Exterior Pockets (3): {Front} 9.25"L x 8"W ea.
{Back} 8.75"L x 9.5"W
Interior Pockets (3): {Cell Pocket} 6.5"L x 4"W
{Back} 6.5"L x 7.5"W
{Front} 6.5"L x 12.5"W
No enclosure.
The Yoga Mat Bag Details:
Main Bag: 24.5" L x 15" W {in circumference}
Strap: 24" L x 2" W
Base: 5" W
Exterior Pocket: 7"L x 11.25"W
No enclosure.

To enter, each contestant must (mandatory):
1) "Like" mac&aris on Facebook & the post itself.
& 2) "Share" mac&aris' Facebook post about this giveaway on your Facebook page.
For *additional* entries (not mandatory, but IS recommended for a higher chance!):
1) "Comment" here on the blog about one thing you would change about yourself in 2013 to become an overall better person.
& 2) "Comment" on mac&aris' Facebook post regarding this giveaway & tell me what bag you'd choose!
Winner will be chosen at random & posted on both here & the mac&aris facebook page! If you are chosen, email me with shipping info @! Winner will be announced on Sunday, March 2, 2013 after 6PM EST!
Giveaway starts today Thursday, February 28, 2013 & goes through Sunday, March 2, 2013 & ends at 6PM EST!
Good luck y'all! :)
xo Tracy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

the year of "yes"

How true is that?
I am the queen of overthinking (or worrying), as I explained a little here, which leads to a lot of negativity. I truly see myself as more of a "realistic" person rather than "negative", but there's a very thin line between the two. Most of my overthinking stems from the fact that I don't necessarily believe certain things will happen or work out. This is where I need to change my thought process.
I am proclaiming 2013 "the year of yes"!
More positivity. More possibilities. More fun.
This little idea came about when my friend brought it up right after New Years. I completely agreed! She wants to go back to school & do other things to make herself a better person. This year is the year to do it! We, in general, have a habit of not taking risks or not making the most of our lives. So I've decided, let's start taking those chances!
"The year of yes" is about saying yes to more than you normally ever would (within reason).
Think about it: Is there anything that you've been putting off for fear of it not working out? Or not doing something for fear of how hard it might be to get there? Or maybe you're caught at a fork in the road & not sure which way to go?
I don't know about you, but I am my own worst enemy for sure. Always talking myself out of things. Making things seem worse than they probably are.
For instance: I've been working on my bag line for quite a few years now, but when I opened my shop for the very first time, I was "overly confident", but also didn't feel a whole lot of support from others. So when I didn't make any sales, I was definitely bummed out. I found myself thinking, "Why am I doing this then?" It's not that I couldn't sell my bags, because I was doing just fine selling them in person & through word-of-mouth. I guess I just wanted to take the next step (opening a shop), but I felt like I had failed. I was too nervous & maybe a little stubborn to open it back up, because I didn't see the point.
I decided to push myself more. Work harder. I decided to say "YES, let's do it! & this time, make it better!" So this year, I reopened my shop, changed my brand name to "mac&aris", & I've made sales. (A million thanks to my friend, Kari, for helping me along & always being there for me.) It's awesome, the feeling you get from making a fresh start (new shop, new name) & actually powering through all of your negative thoughts to ending up in a better place than you thought you'd be! It's amazing!
I've also said "Yes" to taking a yoga class once a week. This may seem small or simple, but it's the fact that I'm doing something that matters. It's me, getting out with a friend for a nice little 90-minute momma break every Wednesday evening. It allows me to relax, stretch out, & clear my head! No step is too small. Baby steps is more effort than you believe.
A lot of us are trying to find our way in life. Trying to do what's best, not only for ourselves, but also for our families & our futures. All I can say is take that next step & don't be afraid! You never know unless you try something. If in the end it doesn't work out, then at least you can tell yourself, "hey, I tried." Instead of not trying to do it & asking yourself, "What if I did this? Where would I be right now?" Don't get caught up in the "Whats Ifs" of life. Get caught up in "the year of the YES"!
After all, aside from bettering ourselves as individuals, aren't we really doing things & taking chances for the little people in our lives?:
I know I am.
xo Tracy
{Click photos for sources}
 Linking up with a few other blogs

Monday, February 25, 2013

the weekend

This weekend was a rough one, but the one & only thing in this entire world that makes me forget all about my worries is my little mister! I spent the whole weekend with him & I wouldn't have had it any other way!

My love <3 em="">
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
xo TL

Friday, February 22, 2013


Do you ever have time to yourself & you can't help but think? Your wheels start turning & it's hard to stop?
It happens to me. A lot.
Usually when I lay down to go to bed which is why I don't seem to sleep much.
I'm a natural-born worrier (Thanks, Mom). & some days I wish I could just switch it off. It's not like I enjoy worrying, but it's who I am.
{it means no worries...for the rest your days...}
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an emotional trainwreck or anything of that nature. Actually, I'm generally a fairly happy person! Always have a smile on my face. No matter what I'm going through in my life, I've been pretty great at not showing it while working or out in the open.
Now with my husband? -That's a different story. I wear my heart on my sleeve with the hubby. It's because he should understand me & how my little head works. I'm sure there are times when he doesn't necessarily want to hear it, but guess what?! -You married me...
It's difficult when you have so much going on, because you tend to feel a bit defeated. You feel a little discouraged & you're not really sure how to act or where to go from there. & you feel like it's really weighing heavy on you & in turn it affects those around you. It makes you feel like there's not one option you have to make it any better.
Overall, my thoughts & worries lately have been all over the place. Not about one specific thing, but about a lot of different little things. Lucky for me, I have an amazing girlfriend who I can vent to about all my junk when I feel like giving the hubby a night off from it.
It's nice knowing you have someone you can go to when maybe they're going through something similar. To understand every single word you're saying without question. Having that support is something everyone should have. Especially when you're feeling like no one else in this world gets you or understands what's happening in your life.
Of course every person has their own set of struggles. Some more than others for sure. Sometimes I think my/our (the hubby & I) struggles are so miniscule that maybe we have no room to complain. I feel most days we should just be happy & thankful that we all have our health, our son is beautiful, we have a roof over our heads, & food in the cupboards. I bet a lot of people that know me personally (including family) didn't even know we were struggling that much. See? I'm that good.
So, what are my struggles specifically? Well, a blog definitely isn't the place for all that (for me, anyway). So I'm going to keep that between myself & those closest to me. But I really wanted to put it out there that everyone has their own "thing" that they're struggling with.
Whether it's about a job, finances, marriage or relationship troubles, kiddo issues or even medical problems... Just know, you're not alone. We all have it in our heads that no one else could possibly know what we're going through. False. There are people, closer than you think, that feel they are suffering too.
It's important to remember, as hard as it may be, try to stay positive. I know, I know... "yeah, yeah, blah, blah"... Trust me, I hated hearing things like that too. (Still do sometimes.) Seems so cliche. But we have to stop being negative & anxious about the future when we should think about now. No one knows what the future holds. So what's the point of worrying for no reason? (I should practice what I preach.) It could turn out just the way you dreamed it would. You just have to be in the right mindset. Harder than we think? Sure. But is it worth a shot? Yes. Putting in at least a little effort can go a long way. I promise.
Changes need to be made in my life. Some things aren't in my control & with that, I just have to accept it the way it is for now. So we have to focus on the things we do have control of & things might actually start to fall into place. Maybe it's the power of believing things can happen that drives people to success!? Who knows. We all should try though.

Think about it.

xo TL

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

waiting for {spring}

Who doesn't love spring!? Luckily, "it's coming early this year", says the groundhog. I can tell you, no one looks more forward to spring than us up here in the northeast. Today, we're looking at a rainy, gloomy, 40 degree day and it's only supposed to get colder & snow as the day goes on. It's winter days like these I think we could all use a little 'pick-me-up'. What better way to do so than to look to the future? Of course by future I mean in a few weeks when spring should be sprung!
As I was perusing the oh-so-reliable Pinterest earlier, I came across some lovely spring inspiration. Get pumped y'all for some spring! :)
Nothing says spring more than a beautiful spread of flowers. I like to mix it up with different types, different colors and vases. Really brings a uniqueness to it.

I personally think wallpaper could go either way. It can be cheesy or cheap looking OR it can look lovely if done the right way! I really like this floral wallpaper. It looks very chic & yet very simple. I think if I was to do wallpaper in my house I would only put it on one wall to act as the accent wall. It'd be so adorable in a home office or a bedroom!

Is anyone else grossly obsessed with Essie nail polish, or is it just me? I try to contain myself while in the store, but sometimes I just cannot help myself! The new Essie spring collection is pretty neat and I'm definitely planning on getting them all at some point. :) As a momma & a "momprenuer" so-to-speak, it's hard to find time to sit, relax, & paint my nails ALL the time. When I do though, it's epic. It's amazing what a little coat of nail polish can do for you. Especially in these spring colors!

I'm also slightly obsessed with Madewell. This particular outfit is super springy with the colors, the fabrics used, & the print of the cardigan. I like the lemon-colored skirt paired with the ballet slipper tee. I am in love with this! It's fresh & it's casual for a nice spring day in the sun!

From bridal and evening wear designer, Jenny Packham, comes a gorgeous 3 1/4 inch sleeve floorlength dress. Just look at that color! Her whole SS '13 collection is filled with light & bright, breezy colors. Lots of whites & metallic colors too. Love every single piece!

Finally, for the kiddos! I can see me dressing my son like this one day soon. The hub will roll his eyes, but it'll be ok because you know what!? -He will look darn cute! ;) This kids collection is by the Dutch brand WE fashion. I recently discovered WE fashion on Pinterest & I've been following them ever since! Unfortunately, it looks as if us USA peeps cannot buy just yet. It's alright though, it's great to look at & pull inspiration from! They are some talented people!
Well that'll do it for my 'waiting for spring' roundup. I can't wait until spring is finally here & we have those blue skies & sunny days! I see spending time at the park, taking long walks, visiting the zoo & aquarium, & of course all the fairs & festivals! Who's with me? :)
Off to have lunch with my mister man & finish up my 5th installment of the yoga mat bag! Check the shop later!
{Click each photo or link for sources.}
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xo TL

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

tracy larish | y o g a

This is the start of the newest collection to the brand.. 'tracy larish | y o g a'. I've recently taken up yoga with a friend & realized I don't have a cute bag! Which really inspired me to get started on this collection.
The first bag here is the tote of all yoga totes. Fits all standard size yoga mats (lengthwise), a yoga block, yoga belt(s), change of clothes etc! Also features: a roomy exterior pocket & two interior pockets including a cell pocket & water bottle holder. Like what you see? Purchase here ! ( Oh yeah, it's Ready to Ship!)
The second bag here is more of a basic, simple yoga mat bag. Fits all standard yoga mats, yoga belt(s), & a small towel. Strap is double reinforced to be durable throughout wear & tear. Like what you see? Order here ! **Note: this bag is "Made to Order" & may not be available in the fabrics/colors shown above. Please convo me on Etsy & we can discuss availability or what other fabrics you may like. We will work something out that you'll love!
More to come!
xo TL

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

new edition

It's been a tiny bit but here is the newest edition to The Poet Tote family! She happily belongs to a home & can't wait to be used! :)

She's pretty, isn't she? More Poet Totes are in the process & will only be sold in my Etsy Shop!
Have a wonderful Tuesday y'all! ;)
xo TL

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lately {via Instagram}

1// mr man making funny faces
2// made valentines for those closest to us (lots of help from maxx)
3// yummy grilled cheese
4// maxx's first time with watercolors
5// painting with an actual brush
6// rough night. first molar coming in. enough said.
7// the tower! in which he responded: "wooooaaahhh!!!"
8// nice winter day here in wny.. went for a stroll in the park
9// discovered this awesome website ColoringPageCreator & got busy printing out coloring pages using our own photos! it's great for the kiddos