Do you ever have time to yourself & you can't help but think? Your wheels start turning & it's hard to stop?
It happens to me. A lot.
Usually when I lay down to go to bed which is why I don't seem to sleep much.
I'm a natural-born worrier (Thanks, Mom). & some days I wish I could just switch it off. It's not like I enjoy worrying, but it's who I am.
{it means no worries...for the rest your days...}
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an emotional trainwreck or anything of that nature. Actually, I'm generally a fairly happy person! Always have a smile on my face. No matter what I'm going through in my life, I've been pretty great at not showing it while working or out in the open.
Now with my husband? -That's a different story. I wear my heart on my sleeve with the hubby. It's because he should understand me & how my little head works. I'm sure there are times when he doesn't necessarily want to hear it, but guess what?! -You married me...
It's difficult when you have so much going on, because you tend to feel a bit defeated. You feel a little discouraged & you're not really sure how to act or where to go from there. & you feel like it's really weighing heavy on you & in turn it affects those around you. It makes you feel like there's not one option you have to make it any better.
Overall, my thoughts & worries lately have been all over the place. Not about one specific thing, but about a lot of different little things. Lucky for me, I have an amazing girlfriend who I can vent to about all my junk when I feel like giving the hubby a night off from it.
It's nice knowing you have someone you can go to when maybe they're going through something similar. To understand every single word you're saying without question. Having that support is something everyone should have. Especially when you're feeling like no one else in this world gets you or understands what's happening in your life.
Of course every person has their own set of struggles. Some more than others for sure. Sometimes I think my/our (the hubby & I) struggles are so miniscule that maybe we have no room to complain. I feel most days we should just be happy & thankful that we all have our health, our son is beautiful, we have a roof over our heads, & food in the cupboards. I bet a lot of people that know me personally (including family) didn't even know we were struggling that much. See? I'm that good.
So, what are my struggles specifically? Well, a blog definitely isn't the place for all that (for me, anyway). So I'm going to keep that between myself & those closest to me. But I really wanted to put it out there that everyone has their own "thing" that they're struggling with.
Whether it's about a job, finances, marriage or relationship troubles, kiddo issues or even medical problems... Just know, you're not alone. We all have it in our heads that no one else could possibly know what we're going through. False. There are people, closer than you think, that feel they are suffering too.
It's important to remember, as hard as it may be, try to stay positive. I know, I know... "yeah, yeah, blah, blah"... Trust me, I hated hearing things like that too. (Still do sometimes.) Seems so cliche. But we have to stop being negative & anxious about the future when we should think about now. No one knows what the future holds. So what's the point of worrying for no reason? (I should practice what I preach.) It could turn out just the way you dreamed it would. You just have to be in the right mindset. Harder than we think? Sure. But is it worth a shot? Yes. Putting in at least a little effort can go a long way. I promise.
Changes need to be made in my life. Some things aren't in my control & with that, I just have to accept it the way it is for now. So we have to focus on the things we do have control of & things might actually start to fall into place. Maybe it's the power of believing things can happen that drives people to success!? Who knows. We all should try though.
Think about it.
xo TL
Think about it.
xo TL
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