Here's a quick look at where we're at with our new place. My dad started painting the basecoat. Already looks 10 times better than that blood red they had going on there. I couldn't stay for too long because the Kilz smelled horrid & I don't want to harm my itty bitty. I just snuck in real quick to measure windows for curtains & snap a couple photos of the progress. I'd say for our first day (or the fam's first day as the case were...), it's coming along quite nicely! The Mister & I truly appreciate all the help we're getting from my parents and my sister! I'm on vacation, but can't be around all the toxins floating around and the mister works all day! So thank you to my fam for helping us out!! :)
Master bedroom all "basecoated-up"!
Bathroom looks 10 times better too! Just a little tidbit of information here... if you have a teeny tiny bathroom & no window, such as I... never ever paint the walls a dark color. Dark colors in general make things seem smaller. Choose a light, airy color to brighten & open the room up a bit! No sense in closing yourself in an already tiny space.
Christi & dad working furiously to basecoat the blood red out of the kitchen! Christi even came in her work clothes to help out! ha
Here's an upcoming project I'll be working on. It's so simple & easy! This really old roll-away stool belongs to the mister. The top opens up and he used it as a "computer parts holder" until he couldn't fit anything else in there! Because we're moving, A LOT of compromising has to be dealt with amongst eachother. In other words, we're trying to condense our shinanigans into stuff we need or stuff we really will use on a regular basis. At the same time, it is hard to let go of something you've had for a long time. So we decided compromising to make us both happy is the way to go. I asked if he wanted to keep this thing and he said yes. I asked where we would put it and he answered in the living room. Ok. Fine. But have you noticed it's kind of an eye sore? Not too pretty. So I suggested if he lets me revamp this baby, we'll keep it. He agreed!
So today I went out to Joann's and picked up some canvas & spray paint. Although someone else will have to spray paint it for me, I am eager to get this done! I'll post the finished product as soon as it's done! :)
In other news, I'm going to be making all the curtains for our new place! Here's a look at the fabric I've selected for our kitchen! I've had this new obsession with vintage pyrex bowls so I used all the colors of my bowls as inspiration for the colors in my curtains. Plus I like the little birdies!
Hope you're enjoying your Monday! The mister is taking me out on a date for my birthday tonight!
xo TL