Lately I've been having a hard time keeping a good balance between housework & my sewing.
If I try to focus all my energy on my sewing & finishing up my bags, then the housework goes down the drain.
If I try to focus on the housework, then my bags don't get finished.
What to do.
Admittedly, while sewing up a storm a of couple days ago, I may or may not have forgotten for a millisecond that a 17-month old was present. It's not my fault.
Ok, maybe it is, but in my defense, he was quiet!
At lunch time that same day, I put little man in his high chair, & made up some lunch for him. I decided I *needed* to finish this one simple, little thing on a bag & rolled him out of the kitchen & closer to my sewing table. I put a bowl of parmesan pasta with peas in front of him (cooled off of course) & without thinking, sat down & continued sewing.
I'm sewing...
& sewing...
& sewing...
Finally, I'm like, oh yeah...
I turn around to check on him. The whole entire bowl of pasta was on the floor. I mean, why would'nt it be?
At first I said, "c'mon dude, why you gotta waste food like that!?"
Then he looked at me & said "ut oh".
Yeah.. ut oh.
So I scramble to find something to clean it up. All the while, I'm finding myself agitated.
"All this food, wasted. What could he possibly eat now?? WE DON'T HAVE ANY MORE FOOD!!!"
So... I was a little dramatic. Of course we had food. I was just bothered by the fact I made this tiny tot a nice little meal & he dumped all over the floor!
After a few minutes of goosfraba, I soon realized this was all clearly my own fault. I could've waited to finish sewing until after we ate lunch so I could keep my eye on what he was doing.
This is where finding my balance needs to come into play. I thoroughly adore being a mother to this one-of-a-kind little dude, I'm wildly passionate about my bags & constantly coming up with new creative ideas, & while I don't "enjoy" housework- it does need to be done.
I think somewhat of a schedule might be in order. May sound silly, but seems like the only logical thing to do. This way there's a little less stress involved. Each part of the day is devoted to something. My son is always my first priority (aside from that millisecond the other day...), so no matter what, he's my focus. But there shouldn't be any harm in getting other things done while he's off playing with a toy by himself or while he's napping.
I'll 'make it work' & let you know how it turns out!
{Click photo above for source.}
here's just a wee little photo of my little ninja:
xo Tracy

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