Monday, August 23, 2010

and the winner is...

Hey guys! I'm super excited to announce the winner of the "4 Goals Challenge"! At first, I was going to make a short video of me picking a name out of a hat to pick fairly. However, my mic on my laptop decided not to work. SO, I found! This is a 100% completely random pick. I had to use numbers... so I did this based on what order you posted your comment.
The list is as follows:
1. Amanda
2. Christi
3. Valerie
4. Rachel
5. Ian
6. Kathy
7. Mason
8. Frankie
9. Mindy
Whatever number is chosen is the winner!
Are you ready?
And the winner is........................
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random integers, generated without replacment:
Timestamp: 2010-08-24 03:04:06 UTC

Number 1: Amanda!!!
(or Mandyloo as I now call her apparently...)
Congratulations!!! I really hope you love my handbag! It's going to a good home! :)
Here is your prize!! (I was eager to take a picture, so ignore the wrinkledness! I will press once more before giving it to you!) There is no enclosure for this handbag.. to be honest, I didn't like any option. However, if you would like one, that could be arranged. The exterior is black with tiny white polka dots, the band across the top is ruffled and the bag itself is pleated 3 times on the front and back. The interior is black with bigger white polka dots and has a nice sized pocket for all of your necessities! There's only one strap and both fabrics are a nice cotton blend. This handbag measures to be approximately 15" wide and sits 11" tall (measurements taken flat). I hope you enjoy your new handbag! :)

Thank you to those of you who participated in the "4 Goals Challenge"!!
(.....even some boys.....)
I will definitely be having more contests in the future so keep checking up here! To everyone: Please remember to follow through with your goals! It's important to work hard for what you want out of your life! Keep me posted on when you accomplish these! I'm excited to hear about them! :)

xo TL

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