Just keep telling yourself this!
Do you ever see other mommas & think to yourself, "how do they do it?" I only have one kiddo right now & I feel I can barely get everything done that I need to. I talked a little about balance here & have been trying to come up with ways to make the every day easier. So I did! I came up with some little things to get through the day with a little more ease. Now, I'm no expert & certainly not perfect. These are just my opinions & would work for me, not necessarily everyone. (Also keep in mind, I'm a stay-at-home-momma & don't have a day job to run to like a lot of you gals.)
Keep early mornings simple.
The mornings in this household goes as follows: wake up, bathroom, get Maxx, change diaper & change out of pjs, & breakfast. I try not to do too much too fast in the mornings. As a momma & as your child, you need to be able to wake up & be alert & ready for the day before you start rushing all over the place! You're tired, & you're cranky. So best bet is to move at a slow, even pace that works for both you & your child. Mornings are also this mommas downtime. After we eat breakfast.. I grab my cup of coffee, turn on the Today Show, & Maxx plays to himself for a little bit. (This is also when I will open the laptop & check emails, write a blog post..etc.) Kiddos need alone time too! Believe it or not, they get sick of lookin' at us! Ha. It works for us!
Do your running around late morning.
Of course, this does depend when your little one(s) naps (if they still take a nap). Maxx naps from 1:30PM to about 4-4:30PM. Yes, I have a sleeper. So if I have any grocery shopping &/or errands to run, late morning before lunch is my prime time. This calls for a simple & easy hair & beauty routine. Me?- you will never see this girl without makeup.. that's just nonsense. That's like a day without oxygen.. It just doesn't happen. So I have my go-to makeup routine. Foundation, one color eyeshadow, little bit of eye liner, few swipes of mascara & a little bronzer. I will say this: as a momma, it's good to pretty yourself up. Even if it is just to run errands. Just a little effort can really lift your spirits. & my hair I usually keep simple with a messy bun with a braid on the side or, because my hair is naturally wavy, I leave as-is & just add a tiny drop of cream to keep the frizziness to a minimum. Save the more extensive hair & beauty routines for the special occasions, girls night or date night!
If we have no running to do that day, that's when my son & I do projects & activites. (If we have running, we save projects for right after lunch.) For us, teaching & interacting directly with Maxx is extremely important. More often than not, people leave their kids alone too frequently. Interaction is necessary for social reasons, for learning reasons, & for self-esteem. So at this point of the day, we'll finger paint/color with crayons, do puzzles, build with blocks, or he has the Elefun thing with the different colored balls & every time he grabs a ball, for instance a green ball, we go around the house & point out green things! He loves it :) After the 'project', that's when we run around like crazy little monkies & he gets his energy out by running, having tickle fights & talking... & talking. Little chatterbox he is. Maxx doesn't go to a daycare center so I try my best to bring somewhat of a structured setting to our every day life without being too hardcore. Flexibility is good too.. But you just have to have a rhythm that works.
Make naptime useful.
While your little one(s) napping, do something. This is where I clean, pick up the house, get started cutting fabric, or even shower. I do have days where I say to myself, "hey, let's just watch mindless TV.. I deserve it" & I do! But not all the time. Nothing would get done. Be productive.
Shower in the evening/at night.
Trust me, it's better than squeezing it in the morning chaos. Like I said, I either take it while Maxx is napping or I'm lucky enough where the hub comes home from work at 4:45, he takes over with little man & I hop in the shower then.
Make meal times easy.
Plan out a week of meals every Sunday! Even throw some things together & freeze it beforehand if you're that ambitious. Keep restaurant outings & fast food to a minimum. You're kids are growing! Let them learn healthy eating habits. Plus, you'll save some money along the way. Great option for those of you who are busy: crockpots are your best friend. Let them do the work for you. Throw a few ingredients in, walk away. How easy!
If you're awaken in the middle of the night by a teething child, or your baby falls & bumps their head, or your kiddo projectile vomits all over you right before bed (true story)... we feel, as mothers, it's our responsibility to nuture & take care. How many of you had one of these things happen & as soon as your hubby starts helping you say, "no that's ok, I can do it." or "Let me do it, it's fine." I have. PLENTY of times. Not to say my hubby doesn't know what he's doing, he's perfectly capapble. It's just in us as mommas to be THE ONE that saves the day! But at least once in a while, let the hubby pick up the slack. I cannot stress enough how important teamwork is. It's less stressful & your hubby will appreciate the time he does get to spend with your child (especially if he works all day like mine does).
If your days are feeling a bit jumbled or crazy, I hope this helps a little bit. It takes some determination & work, but it will be worth it!
xo Tracy
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